We Need Your Help
Junior Trials Dirt Bike Club is only run by volunteering members.
We need all club rider’s parents and or guardians to volunteer each ride day for the club to run.
Helping on event days may include; event marshals, flag marshals and assistance in the canteen.
We can’t run the events without you!
Working bees are organised before ride days to help get the club facilities and event areas ready. We need members to volunteer a little of their time on these days, many hands make light work!
Help such as clearing and fixing event areas, lawn mowing, cleaning and general club maintenance.
Please help out when and where you can.
Club Sponsorship
Community sponsorship is more than welcome, and helps the club stay alive.
We value all of our sponsors big and small. As a club member, we ask that you please acknowledge our sponsors and give them your support as a thank you.
Sponsorship can be purchase of signage on club grounds, money donations, raffle prize items, or goods and services for the club.
If you are a business looking to offer our club sponsorship please contact us.